Thursday, October 23, 2014

The best part of me


My eyes are the best part of me.
I can not imagine not seeing through my eyes as I have always been able too see through them. They are brown and green and they help me see the world. Some people may call them bug eyes or almond shaped but I think they define my face. Complete it. My eyes are the window too my soul. Framed by long dark lashes.

There are a lot of colours to describe my eyes. For example: hazel, poo colour even, if you want or just plain green and brown. My Grandad is chinese so they have a slight asianic slant that makes me look exotic. My eyes reflect my emotions. I can be happy, sad, angry, sneaky, excited… and my eyes always show what I feel.  

When I’m meeting people for the first time the first thing they see and say is “ Wow what beautiful big eyes you have.” People comment on my eyes all the time. I love my eyes and I know that they are unique too me and thats why I love them!   :)  


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

20x20 maths

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This is my box. It holds 8 rows by 8 rows so it can hold 64 blocks altogether.   

Image Writing


It was a beautiful ordinary morning. The sun was shining, birds singing their unique songs and only a slight breeze was blowing. A man by the name of Tom was sailing along peacefully in the lagoon with not one thought in his head. You see whenever he sailed all the thoughts were cleared and all Tom thought about was what he was having for lunch and how many fish he could catch.

As Tom was sailing he started to get bored just sitting there thinking, so he leaned back, still paddling the little boat, closed his eyes and started too hum a song he knew. Before he knew it he woke up too find that he had stopped paddling. Tom felt strange. Almost as if he was getting sucked in too something. Like you feel when you put clothes or your finger near the vacuum and it tries too suck you in. Anyway that’s what Tom felt right now. He realised that the lagoon was getting sucked in like a plughole from the bath. All the water was disappearing and being replaced with grass and trees.

Tom was amazed!
“How did this happen?” He wondered too himself.